Club President Bill Findiesen’s 1969 BSA Rocket 3
The BSA Owners Club of Southern California is dedicated to the enjoyment of ALL antique and classic British Motorcycles. The club was founded by 13 BSA fans who soon realized that the entire British bike scene needed representation.
We feature the BSA; however, ownership of a BSA or other British motorcycle is not required. Most BSA owners also own and ride Triumphs and other British bikes.
We celebrate BSA and other British Motorcycles by holding events for our members and invited guests–Street Rides, Dual Sport Rides, Rallies, Swap Meets and Bi-Monthly Meetings. We have a diverse activities calendar that include something of interest for everyone.
The club provides the resources and experience necessary to restore and keep your classic British Motorcycle on the road and in good condition. And we strive to keep you up to date with the world of British Motorcycling.
Membership includes our monthly newsletter, The Piled Arms, which features technical articles, ride reviews, member photos, announcements, calendar of events, and information from experts on particular models to help you with questions.
Please join us in our adventures and add your unique perspective to the Bold World of BSA! We welcome you to participate and contribute to the BSA Owners Club of Southern California.

Brian Pearson’s BSA Gold Star Drawing
Here’s what the BSA Club can offer to increase your British motorcycle riding pleasure:
- Vintage Road & Dual-Sport Rides, Social Meetings with Friendly People.
- Monthly Newsletter: The “Piled Arms” (with detailed calendar of events).
- British Bike Shows and Swap Meets.
- Network of Shared Information
- An Active British Bike Club Since 1978.
Club membership is open to all enthusiasts. The dues are only $25 per year. Membership gets you the monthly newsletter and a club pin mailed to your home. We also offer for sale great logo-wear–various items of “Regalia,” such as T-shirts, pins, patches, decals, and other items of interest to British bike riders.
The BSA Owners Club of Southern California extends a membership invitation to “Get the most out of British biking–ride with friends.”